
Scribbletune can be used in the browser along with Tone.js, within the Max for Live development environment OR as a Node.js module to export MIDI files from the terminal.


There are a couple of ways to use Scribbletune in the browser.

Use the latest available precompiled version of Scribbletune from CDNjs and reference it in your HTML right after Tone.js (replace LATEST_VERSION_FROM_CDNJS with the latest version from CDNjs).

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

This will make a global object called scribble available for you to use in your script.

console.log(scribble.scale('C4 major')); // outputs ['C4', 'D4', 'E4', 'F4', 'G4', 'A4', 'B4']

Install scribbletune and webpack from npm

npm i scribbletune
npm i webpack --save-dev
npm i webpack-cli --save-dev

Create a bare minimum webpack.config.js file with

const webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  mode: "none",
  entry: "./script.js",
  output: {
    filename: "main.js"
  node: {
    fs: "empty"

Create a file called script.js and enter the following in there

import { clip } from 'scribbletune/browser';

const btnStart = document.getElementById('start');
const btnPlay = document.getElementById('play');
const btnStop = document.getElementById('stop');

btnStart.addEventListener('click', () => {
    Tone.context.resume().then(() => Tone.Transport.start());

const simpleLoop = clip({ synth: 'Synth', notes: 'c4', pattern: 'x' });
btnPlay.addEventListener('click', () => {

btnStop.addEventListener('click', () => {

Now create a file called index.html and enter the following in it

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Testing Scribbletune</title>
    <p>The Audio context needs to be started by a user gesture.</p>
    <button id="start">Start context</button>
    <p>Once audio context is started by a user gesture, you can use the start/stop methods on clip objects.</p>
    <button id="play">Play</button>
    <button id="stop">Stop</button>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="dist/main.js"></script>

Note that we added a script tag with the src set to a filed called main.js. This file is not yet created. It will be created once you run the following webpack command,

npx webpack

Now β€œserve” the HTML file we created by running a simple Python web server for testing purposes

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000

Now load localhost:3000 in your browser and you should hear the C4 note played in a loop at an interval of a quarter note.

Node Module

Install Scribbletune from npm

npm i scribbletune

Now you can create MIDI files from the terminal

const scribble = require('scribbletune');

const clip = scribble.clip({
  notes: scribble.scale('C4 major'),
  pattern: 'x'.repeat(8)

scribble.midi(clip); // creates a file called music.mid in the same location as this script was created and run.
Max for Live

Install Scribbletune from npm

npm i scribbletune

Import the Scribbletune API for Max for Live device development

const scribble = require('scribbletune/max');